You want to organize a stay in Cuba, discover its regions, its culture, its history, its flavors ...
We offer you travel ideas.
Contact us to get a tailor-made stay!


Suggestion de circuit 
A travers ce parcours vous pourrez découvrir les saveurs cubaines, ses fabriques de Cigares, sa gastronomie locale, sa musique, son patrimoine.
Séjour 10 jours / 9 nuits.

trip to havana

Journée 1 / La Havana

Journée 2 / La Havana

Cuban cigar travel to Cuba

Day 3 / Havana

visit to a cigar factory in Cu

Journée 4: La Havana / Pinar del Rio / Vinales/ Las Terrazas

trip to Cuba

Journée 5 : Las Terrazas / La Havana / Cienfuegos / Trinidad

Day 6 / Trinidad

Day 7: Trinidad / Valley of los ingenios / Sanctis spiritus / Santa Clara

Journée 8: Santa Clara / Remedios / La Havana

  • LThe course of our circuits is given as an indication. Our programs are subject to modification due to imperatives beyond our control such as flight rotations, market days, boat schedules, change of schedule of entrances to sites, imposed reservation schedules, etc. However, the services provided will be respected, except in cases of force majeure.
  • Possibility of rearranging the program according to your wishes.

You want to embark for Cuba, discover its regions, its culture, its flavors ...
We offer you travel ideas.
Contact us for a tailor-made stay!


Suggested tour

Through this course you will be able to discover the Cuban flavors, its cigar factories, its local gastronomy, its music, its heritage.
Stay 10 days / 9 nights.

trip to havana


Cuban cigar travel to Cuba

visit to a cigar factory in Cu

trip to Cuba

  • LThe course of our circuits is given as an indication. Our programs are subject to modification due to imperatives beyond our control such as flight rotations, market days, boat schedules, change of schedule of entrances to sites, imposed reservation schedules, etc. However, the services provided will be respected, except in cases of force majeure.
  • Possibility of rearranging the program according to your wishes.
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