Lyon and its gastronomy

An ideal weekend in Lyon!

Faites vous plaisir avec un week-end à Lyon ! Découvrez son histoire, ses monuments historiques, sa gastronomie .  Entre ses Saveurs et son Patrimoine, la capitale de la gastronomie ne pourra que vous séduire avec sa Cité de la Gastronomie !
3 jours / 2 nuits à partir de 296 €* sur la base de 20 participants payants en chambre double.
Pour les individuels , tarif sur demande.

List of services

France collection

Journée 1: Lyon et son cœur historique

Arrivée à Lyon votre guide vous attendra pour une découverte guidée du centre historique de Lyon. Au pied de la colline Fourvière, le Vieux-Lyon aussi chaleureux que riche d’histoire, est un passage obligé lors d’un séjour à Lyon ! Dans ce quartier en partie piétonnier, véritable secteur sauvegardé, touristes et Lyonnais foulent ensemble les pavés. La lumière se réfléchit sur la Saône et fait ressortir les belles couleurs ocrées des façades, héritages de la présence de nombreux Italiens aux 15 ème et 16 ème siècles. Inscrit au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO depuis 1998, le quartier mêle de façon naturelle découvertes historiques et plaisirs actuels. Temps libre. 
Déjeuner au restaurant . 
Diner et Nuit à l'hôtel

Day 2: The Golden Stones and the Canuts

Breakfast taken at the hotel. After your lunch. Board your bus and head for the wine region, you will walk the small roads of the south of Beaujolais. Around the rolling hills, the golden stone villages reveal their warm colors and their play of lights. Enjoy this bucolic setting, in the very heart of the vineyards, and share some pastries around a initiation to tasting local wines. Lunch at the restaurant In Lyon. After lunch, guided tour of the Maison des Canuts which opens the doors of his workshop to you. Attend a weaving demonstration on an authentic Jacquard hand loom, immerse yourself in the epic of Lyon silk and discover how the canuts helped shape the city's identity. Return to your hotel then return to town for dinner.
Dinner in town.
Then return to your hotel. Night.

Day 3: Grand Hôtel Dieu and the City of Gastronomy

Breakfast taken at the hotel. Free discovery of Grand Hôtel-Dieu. The largest private rehabilitation project in Europe, the old hospital is reopening its doors to Lyonnais and tourists after 4 years of closure. Classified as a historical heritage, the public can now invest the courtyards and gardens animated by restaurants, shops and offices, thus writing a new page in the history of Lyon. “A jewel of Lyonnais architectural heritage, the Grand Hôtel-Dieu has always been a place of life and modernity. Yesterday hospice, hospital or maternity, he shone with his cutting-edge medical techniques. Today, it is a multifaceted place… ”. You can stroll there, go shopping ... And soon the city of Gastronomy! and lunch at the Grand Réfectoire. A historic place that once was that of the sisters. Today with a slightly more refined design. Free time. Return.

Le vieux Lyon
*Ce tarif ne comprend pas : 

L’adhésion à l’association de Tourisme, loi 1901, obligatoire 10 € /adulte
Le supplément en single
Le transport.
Les visites non mentionnées dans le programme
Les Extra et les pourboires
Les assurances :elles ne sont pas obligatoires mais vivement conseillées.
* This price includes the following services:

Accommodation in a 3 *** hotel in Lyon in a double room
Full board from lunch on D1 to lunch on D3
3 lunches at the restaurant
2 dinners including one at the restaurant in town.
The tourist tax in force
Guided tour of the historic center of Lyon on D1
Guided discovery of the Beaujolais wine region with half-day tasting
The guided tour of the Maison des Canuts
Free discovery of the Grand Hôtel Dieu which houses the city of gastronomy.
A travel diary for participants
The association's RCP
24/7 emergency assistance from the Tourism Association
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