London and Greenwich

London and Greenwich; historical patrimony

British capital, this trip will make you discover all the riches of the Crown at the discretion of the Thames. From Westminster to Buckingham Palace through the most famous art museums in the world, National Gallery, British Museum ... A sumptuous discovery of British heritage and culture. Stay 4 days / 3 nights. Price on request for quotation.Stay 4 days / 3 nights. Price from 254 €.

Journée 1: Londres

Visite guidée de l’Abbaye de Westminster, un des sites les plus symboliques de la royauté anglaise. Haut lieu qui rend hommage à ses grandes personnalités du monde politique et artistique. Depuis Guillaume le Conquérant en 1066, tous les souverains britanniques y ont été couronnés à l’exception d’Edouard V et d’Edouard VIII. Buckingham Palace, construit au début du XVIII ème siècle, devient la résidence à la faille royale depuis 1837, à découvrir la galerie des portraits, les jardins de 18 hectares agrémenté de 350 espèces de fleurs et de plantes, les écuries royales. Explorez la National Gallery, un des musées d’art les plus importants au monde. Il abrite plus de 2300 œuvres, des peintures de Léonard de Vinci, du Titien, Van Gogh, Renoir, Rembrandt, Turner, Gainsborough…découverte du Palais de Westminster qui abrite le Parlement, la Chambre des lords. Si vous le désirez vous pourrez embarquer vers les cieux londoniens avec London Eye.
Déjeuner au restaurant
Dîner et Nuit à Londres à l'hostel.

Day 2: London

Breakfast. Visit of the British Museum, a complete and fascinating journey among the remains of the world's cultural heritage, with galleries dedicated to Egypt, Western Asia, Greco-Roman culture, England ... To see the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon marbles . Lunch in the Saint Paul district. Visit of Saint Paul's Cathedral, place of worship for more than 1400 years, it is one of the most majestic buildings in London, to discover its dome and its crypt. Tour of the Tower of London which treasures the crown jewels, notably the 530-carat Cullinan Diamond. Tower bridge, sublime 19th century bridge, revolutionary thanks to its rocking mechanism. You can admire Shakespeare's Globe, a replica of the Elizabethan theater. If you have time you can get to the Modern Tate which closes late, an old power station converted into a museum of modern and contemporary art.
Lunch in the form of a packed lunch
Dinner and Night in London

Day 3: London

Breakfast. Direction Kensington where you can explore Victoria & Albert Museum, devoted to Decorative Arts and Fashion, the Natural History Museum, all the natural world at your feet, the Science museum temple of science that will appeal to young and old with interactivities, educational exhibitions. After visiting the museums, you will stroll through the Kensington Gardens, these gardens of more than 110 ha belong to Kensington Palace, place of residence of the royal family, to see Elfin Oak a 900 year old tree stump carved with elves, gnomes… and the statue of Peter Pan. AT Hyde Park you will admire carefully maintained gardens, the Serpentine a body of water. The first royal park open to the public, it is also the largest in London, 142 ha. Complete your journey by surveying for your viewing pleasure Harrods, Mecca of shopping, to see its Egyptian elevator "kitsch effect", Piccadilly Circus bustling place of London.
Lunch in the form of a packed lunch
Dinner and Night in London

Day 4: Greenwich

Breakfast. Direction Greenwich. Londoners are more and more tempted by the districts south of the Thames, with their bucolic charm and peaceful rhythm. A tangible atmosphere in Greenwich where royal architecture, charming alleys and small houses mingle for the pleasure of the eyes. To have Greenwich Park, the Royal Observatory, the National Maritime Museum, The Old Royal Naval College. Time will never seem so concrete to you as in this place with the greenwich meridian defined somewhat arbitrarily in 1884. It is used to measure longitude (0) and divides the terrestrial globe into two hemispheres, east and west. Visit of the City with the Barbican, a masterpiece of brutalist architecture built on an ancient Roman guard tower.
Lunch in the form of a packed lunch.
Dinner in London.
The course of our circuits is given as an indication. Our programs are subject to modification due to imperatives beyond our control such as flight rotations, market days, boat schedules, change of schedule of entrances to sites, imposed reservation schedules, etc. However, the services provided will be respected, except in cases of force majeure.
Le prix inclut les prestations suivantes :
  • 3 nuits : hébergement en pension complète  sur la base de chambres multiples et doubles pour les accompagnateurs .
  • dîners
  • 4 déjeuners
  • La visite guidée et les entrées à l'Abbaye de Westminster
  • Les entrées à la Cathédrale Saint Paul
  • Les entrée à la Tour de Londres
  • La journée à Greenwich avec toutes les entrées et réservation des sites cités sur le programme .
  • (tous les musées nationaux sont gratuit mais sont soumis à la réservation de groupe)
  • Un serveur vocal Parents/Accompagnateurs (codes parents/accompagnateurs)
  • Un service web « la malle aux images » pour déposer vos photos durant le séjour sur le site (avec codes pour parents/accompagnateurs)
  • L’assistance-rapatriement-multirisque
  • Une assistance et numéro d’urgence 24 h /24 – 7 j/7
  • Un dossier technique –logistique et culturel pour la préparation du voyage pour les accompagnateurs.
The price does not include:
  • Membership of the 1901 law tourism association is compulsory for adults € 10 per adult.
  • Transport (request on estimate)
  • Tourist tax
  • The supplement in single room
Optional :
  • Travel cancellation insurance (group / individual)
  • A guide-lecturer accompanying you and guiding you throughout the stay or occasionally (on request)
  • Possibility of modifying the visits mentioned in the program.

All the services you need,in one place

We have everything you need to make your stay as pleasant as possible!

Quote request

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